Ebook - The Uninvited Guest
The Uninvited Guest is a gruesome tale which reflects upon the unpredictablity of life and how one may fall to their demise through a certain chain of events.
It is undoubtedly a true depicture of the cerebral saying "one cannot prevent what is bound to come his way."
Who could have known that a regaling friend reunion would ensue into such a vile activity that all the victims would be struck with such unspeakable horror portrayed by the only grotesque creature who had lurked behind them like a shadow. Now the predator had its prey where it wanted, its next feast was only a few feet from it, waiting there patiently just like a box with a bow on top.
on the day of the calamity everything begins to go sideways right off the bat.at first there is the inclement weather which seems to be the only misfortune but as she proceeds, she is struck with another mishap regarding her car, the only vehicle she owns goes haywire.
Was the universe trying to give her a sign?
However, the case was for that moment nothing positive seemed to come to her mind and it felt like all odds were against her.
what could have gone differently if she never left? could have she been saved from what was bound to come her way?
Those were the questions that haunted her as she lay down on the blood-stained floor drenched in red crimson, her eyes welled up on the sight of the creature crawling towards her on all fours with a blood-stained smile.
A gruesome tale which will keep you at the tip of your chair thrilled about what may happen next.